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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. The current privacy policy

By accessing any of Probot Systems’s websites, you agree to the current privacy policy. If you do not consent to this policy, please refrain from continuing on any Probot Systems website and avoid providing us with any data. The privacy policy supersedes any previous privacy policies associated with Probot Systems’s websites.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to outline our practices related to data collected from or about you, ensuring your understanding of how Probot Systems manages those data. It applies to all websites within Probot Systems and covers situations where Probot Systems collects and retains data. In essence, this policy explains how Prrobot Systems ensures proper utilization and protection of data.

We have aimed to keep this privacy policy straightforward and accessible. If you encounter unfamiliar terms such as ‘cookies,’ ‘IP address,’ or ‘browser,’ or if you have any questions about our privacy practices or the content of the policy, feel free to reach out to us. Your privacy is important to Probot Systems and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our practices.

2. Probot Systems and personal data

Probot Systems does not conduct business in personal data management. Consequently, we refrain from analyzing or processing your data beyond what is essential to provide you with top-quality services and products. Rest assured that we do not utilize your data for monitoring or profiling purposes beyond the requirements of our core activities.

3. Data we collect

When you purchase our products or services, we may request certain data from you. Additionally, when you use Probot Systems’s websites, we automatically collect some data. Our data collection and storage practices are strictly aligned with the necessity of providing our products and services to you or complying with legal requirements. These processes are always geared toward enhancing your experience as a customer and improving the usability of our websites.

You have the option to decline providing some or all of the requested data at any time, and we fully respect your choice. However, please be aware that opting out may impact our ability to offer you full or partial access to our websites, services, and products.

It’s important to note that we never require sensitive personal data on our websites, such as information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, health, or other beliefs. In the same vein, we do not collect data regarding children under the age of sixteen.

4. Data we collect from you

Our suite of services, including website access and product offerings, necessitates the collection of a limited amount of data. In such instances, we request that you provide your name, a means of contact (such as a phone number or email address), and, where applicable, essential payment details and a postal address or other geolocation data for product delivery or service performance.

Should you choose to subscribe to our newsletters or request marketing materials related to our products and services, we will require your name, email address, and information about your interests. Similarly, if you seek additional information about our products and services during offline events like trade shows or via phone contact, the same data will be necessary.

For actual or potential business partners, we collect basic contact information for individuals in communication with us, including their names, job titles, and contact details.

When applying for a position at Probot Systems, we gather data provided through our websites or other channels, such as contact details, resumes and application forms.

Via our websites, we collect standard data typically associated with web usage, including details about your browser and device, IP address, and information obtained through cookies. If your device has location functionality enabled, you may also transmit location data to us. Like many companies, we utilize cookies on our websites. Additionally, in some cases, we employ third-party web analytics services (such as Google Analytics) that use cookies and similar technologies to assess website usage and interactions.

Google Inc., headquartered at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, serves as the provider of the web analytics service known as Google Analytics. Google Analytics utilizes cookies to collect information. Typically, the data generated by these cookies regarding the use of Probot Systems’ websites is transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Google is dedicated to adhering to relevant privacy regulations and is registered with the US Department of Commerce’s Privacy Shield program.

5. Cookies

Cookies are small text files stored locally in the cache memory of the visitor’s Internet browser. They enhance the user-friendliness, efficiency, and security of our websites, while also allowing us to measure website usage. You have the ability to customize your preferred cookie settings within your browser.

6. Data received from other sources

When you purchase our products or services through our partners, Probot Systems may receive your data. This typically occurs when we are responsible for service performance, product delivery, or warranty-related matters. In such situations, our partners provide us with essential information, including your name, contact details (such as phone number or email address), and necessary delivery or geolocation data.

Additionally, we may obtain information about you from publicly available databases. If you apply for a position at Probot Systems, and if the role warrants it, we may collect publicly accessible data, such as information you share on social media platforms.

Furthermore, if you choose to engage with us via social media, certain publicly available data from your social media account may be shared with us.

7. How we use the data

Our utilization of your data is geared towards efficiently providing our products and services. Specifically, we employ your data for the following purposes:

  • Communication: We engage with you to address inquiries, tailor communication, and ensure safety and maintenance related to purchased products and services.
  • Order processing: We process and fulfill orders, including delivery and on-site service performance, while keeping you informed about order status.
  • Account management: We create, administer, and communicate about your account, including product events logs.
  • Marketing and Communication: We inform you about our products, services, events, promotions, and marketing communications.
  • Online services: We grant access to online functionalities.
  • Recruitment: We evaluate job applications and progress through the hiring process.
  • Business operations: Our data usage extends to business operations, such as product development, market research, and website management.
  • Security and Compliance: We verify identity for security purposes and comply with applicable laws, standards, and policies.

Additional purposes may arise, which we will specify during data collection.

Probot Systems processes your data based on various legal grounds. Typically, our legitimate business interest, as outlined in Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, serves as the legal basis for data processing. In other cases, the legal basis may be:

  • Contractual obligations: Processing data is necessary for fulfilling a contract with you or a relevant party.
  • Consent: We may process data based on your consent, which you can withdraw at any time.
  • Legal compliance: Data processing is carried out to comply with legal obligations.

When applicable, consent will be obtained from you during the data submission process or when you request our services. For instance, consent is sought when registering for our newsletter or accessing Probot Systems websites.

8. How we share your data

Typically, your data remains within Probot Systems and is not shared with external entities. However, there are circumstances where data sharing becomes necessary. For instance, if you require services that Probot Systems does not directly provide but rather offers through business partners, we may share relevant data with these partners. In such cases, these entities are obligated to use or disclose your data solely for the purpose of delivering the requested services.

When necessary, your data may be shared with the following entities:

  • The entities within Probot Systems
  • Service providers who perform services on our behalf
  • Service providers integral to processes related to the products and services you purchase
  • Authorities and public entities in compliance with legal requirements

In selecting service providers, especially those handling personal data, we prioritize their adherence to privacy laws (such as the General Data Protection Regulation) and their commitment to privacy principles.

9. How we transfer your data

Probot Systems operates across multiple countries, with its headquarters located in Canada. While we strive to centralize data processing within local entities that require the data, there may be instances where your data is transferred to our Canadian headquarters.

Additionally, Probot Systems’ global activities occasionally involve data transfers to countries with varying data protection laws. In such cases, we take precautions to safeguard this information.

10. How you control your data

At Probot Systems, we prioritize your comfort and privacy regarding your data. If you have any questions or wish to access, correct, or delete your data, feel free to contact us. You can also manage communication preferences to control how we use your data. We are committed to promptly addressing your requests.

Furthermore, you have the right to file a complaint with your relevant supervisory authority.

11. Data retention

We retain your data for the duration necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. Typically, this means maintaining the data throughout our ongoing relationship with you and for a specific period afterward, as required by applicable laws.

12. Data protection

Probot Systems employs cutting-edge technologies and solutions to process your data, ensuring its protection and integrity. We implement both digital and physical safeguards.

However, even with robust security measures, complete protection against all risks during data transmission over the Internet is not guaranteed. Security gaps may persist. We encourage you to exercise caution when transmitting data online.

13. Privacy policy updates

Probot Systems periodically updates its privacy policy to align with changes in our activities and relevant regulations. Any modifications will be visible on this page. If significant changes occur, we will provide a more prominent notice.

14. What we can’t control

Given that our products or services are occasionally distributed through a network of partners, it’s important to recognize that these entities maintain their own privacy policies and practices. While we exercise care in selecting our partners, we cannot assume responsibility for their privacy policies.

Therefore, we encourage you to review their privacy policies before providing any data to these entities. The same advice applies to external websites linked from our platforms.

Additionally, Probot Systems may feature YouTube videos accessible via our websites or make videos available on our YouTube channel. In such cases, YouTube may collect your data. We recommend reviewing YouTube’s privacy policies before using its services or submitting any data. YouTube is a service provided by Google Inc., headquartered at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Information collected by YouTube may be transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the United States.

15. How to contact us

If you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy, if you wish to access or manage your data, please contact us in writing at one of the following addresses:

Mailing address:

Probot Systems inc.

8895 rue des Cordiers suite 300

Lévis (QC)

G6Y 0K5 Canada

Email address:


Last update: April 16th, 2024

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